Upcoming In-person Workshops:Proper Planning Ensures You:
- Maintain Control of Your Assets for the Sake ofThe Family
- Give control to those you trust most when you’re not able
- Remain Home Without Stress on the Family, Should the Need for Long Term Care Arise
- Keep Your Family’s Business Private LifeCare Planning Protects Your Family From:
- The Government
- Taxes
- Lawsuits
- Divorce
- Nursing Home costs
- Those That Want to Take Your Assets From You
Three Educational Webinars to Watch From the Comfort of Your Own Home and on Demand.
Learn the 10 Gruesome Estate Planning Mistakes
Estate planning is easy right? Maybe you have an estate plan already, this short 30 minute webinar will lay out the 10 most common and gruesome mistakes we’ve seen over the last 15 years of helping families.
Tax Planning in Retirement in a Post Secure Act World
Between the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the Secure Act and now the Cares Act, the tax world has been turned on it’s head. Learn strategies to position yourself properly and don’t miss the window of opportunity that is now available.
Legal, Financial and Tax Planning in 3 Easy Steps
This webinar will lay out the necessity for integration between your legal, financial and tax plan. Additionally, it will expand on how the Castle Trust is a unique planning tool to consider if you are concerned about long-term care or lawsuits.