Obama Frustrated with Failures of Health Care Web Site

By Chris Berry

Monday, President Obama vented his frustrations with the failures of the government’s health care Web site, but said the technical problems were not indicative of a broader failure of the Affordable Care Act.

“We did not wage this long and contentious battle just around a Web site. That’s not what this was about,” Mr. Obama told supporters during 25-minute remarks in the Rose Garden.

HealthCare.gov failed to provide the easy opportunity to sign up for health insurance that White House officials promised. Despite its deficiencies President Obama insisted that critics support the law.

“It’s time for folks to stop rooting for its failure, because hard-working, middle-class families are rooting for its success,” he said.

A number of people have been unable to sign on to the site or create account, and the technical advisers involved say it could be weeks or months before the issues are resolved.

The President made no excuses for the problems, but did not say whether anyone in the government would be terminated as a result. Certain Republicans have answered by requesting the termination of Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services.

Mr. Obama offered other ways to sign up for insurance, including expanded call centers and in-person “navigators” who are at hospitals and health care centers through the U.S. Additionally, people can download a form to be filled out and mailed in, he said.

The President urged people to disassociate the Web site’s problems from the purpose of the law, which was to find a way to provide affordable health insurance to millions of uninsured Americans, he said.

“The product is good. The health insurance that is being provided is good. It’s high quality and it’s affordable,” Mr. Obama said. “We know that the demand is there. People are rushing to see what’s there.”

Read more: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/22/us/politics/obama-pushes-health-law-but-concedes-web-site-problems.html?hp&_r=0

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