Mickey Rooney Testifies about Elder Abuse

People Magazine reports, “Mickey Rooney told a Senate hearing of a real-life drama involving eder abuse, and he spoke from his own personal case history.”

Rooney testified that he felt trapped, scared, used and frustrated as he and his (ninth) wife Jan we forced to go hungry. He claimed he had medicine withheld from his and that even his Oscar was sold off.

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“But above all, when a man feels helpless, it’s terrible,” the film legend said.

The Washington Post reported that Sen. Hern Kohl (D-Wis.). who chairs the Special Senate Committee on Aging, considers the nation’s elderly extremely vulnerable given their delicate state and the fact that those abusing them rarely scrutinized or held accountable.

The American Psychological Association estimates that 2.1 million older Americans annually become victims to physical, psychological, sexual, financial, or other forms of abuse and neglect.

(Read more: Power of Attorney: Protecting your finances in the event of incapacity)

If you know or suspect someone who is suffering abuse by a relative or other caregiver, don’t hesitate to report it! They may not have anyone else to help them. Call a special hotline listed in most phone books under “Adult Protective Services”.

(Read more: Using Shared Savings to Foster Coordinated Care for Dual Eligibles)

Abuse can also be reported to your family physician, a friend, family member or someone you trust to help. You can also call: Eldercare Locator at 1-800-677-1116, they will refer you to a phone number in your local area.

Read more: http://free-alzheimers-support.com/wordpress/2011/03/mickey-rooney-testifies-about-elder-abuse-it-can-happen-to-anyone/

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