Medicaid Expansion Will Save the State Money, Snyder Says

Wednesday, Governor Rick Snyder discussed his plans for Medicaid expansion and his “Healthy Michigan Now” campaign.

Anne Bickford, a resident of the Fox Run Retirement Community asked Snyder what would guarantee the federal government pays for the Medicaid expansion and how the state will contribute.

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“How will Michigan have the money to pay the 10 percent it’s going to have to pick up?” she said.

Snyder said that the federal government will fund the first two or three years before Michigan will be required to cover 10 percent of the costs.

However, his emphasis was that the state will save money when you look at the big picture.

(Related: Medicare Does Not Pay for Long-Term Care)

“We’re currently providing some services that will be covered by the federal government,” he said.

The state budget will be close to $200 million better following the start of this program beginning with the first year, he said. Snyder continued to say that the state can set aside half of those savings annually for a health savings account, which will pay for Medicaid expansion beyond the year 2030.

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