July 12, 2016
Area Agency on Aging Releases new LGBT Programs
The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) 1-B is pleased to announce the creation of a new position: Specialist, Training and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Programs. This is an exciting opportunity for the AAA 1-B. We are the first AAA in Michigan to have a staff person dedicated to LGBT older adult issues and the second AAA in the country to have such a position.
The Training and LGBT Programs Specialist will develop on our professional training program including the quarterly training menu, the Annual Judith J. Wahlberg Memorial Lecture and some exciting new training opportunities for the network. In addition, LGBT and aging cultural competency training, advocacy and program development regarding the LGBT older adult population will be areas of focus.
For more information, contact Natalie Pearce at npearce@aaa1b.com or 248-262-0533. To learn more about LGBT and aging cultural competency trainings or to request training, please see the links listed below.
National Resource Center (NRC) on LGBT Aging:
List of NRC on LGBT Aging Certified Trainers:
Other Helpful Resources:
Gay Elders of Southeast Michigan:
LGBT Older Adult Coalition in Michigan:
NRC on LGBT Aging Top Ten Tips for Inclusion:
NRC on LGBT Aging Practical Guide to Creating Welcoming Agencies:
SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders):